Each year, Keene Pumpkin Festival welcomes donors and sponsors who underwrite the full cost of the festival. Since the event was rekindled in 2017, volunteers have raised nearly $90,000 to underwrite the pumpkin tradition. Without sponsorship, the candles would go out on this magical event in the HeART of Downtown Keene.


Become a Sponsor

Sponsors can choose to underwrite a specific part of the event—for example, the Bandstand, the Parade, the Games, the Labyrinth, or the HeART Tent where pumpkins are carved. Other sponsors prefer to contribute to the general fund. Whichever you prefer, we welcome you!


Sponsorship Agreement Click to make your sponsorship pledge.

Let it Shine, Inc. Non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization # 27-4941779

Let it Shine, Inc., Board of Directors 2019: Nancy Hickox, Ruth Sterling, Timothy Zinn, Jennifer Course, Shaundi Rider. Honorary Board Members: Harry Boynton, Nancy Sporborg. Directors Emeritus: Harry Boynton, John Hayes, Lisa Edwards, Mike Haines

Incorporators Nancy Sporborg, Daniel V. Scully, Timothy Garland

Thank you 2019 Sponsors